Hourly Rates

Charges based on the number of hours of care needed.

  • Weekdays
  • Evenings
  • Weekends
  • Holidays

Package Deals

Discounted rates for extended or ongoing services.

  • Monthly care packages
  • Customized long-term plans

24/7 Care Subscription

Subscription-based pricing for continuous, around-the-clock nursing support.

Insurance Acceptance

Work with insurance companies to offer coverage for eligible clients.

  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • Private insurance

Customized Packages

Flexible packages based on individual care needs.

  • Post-surgery care
  • Elderly care
  • Specialized care (e.g., wound care, IV therapy)

Our business model is designed to provide flexibility and affordability while ensuring the highest standard of care. We offer a variety of pricing options to meet individual needs, including hourly rates for flexible scheduling, discounted package deals for ongoing care, and subscription plans for 24/7 nursing support. For added convenience, we work with insurance providers, including Medicare and Medicaid, to offer coverage for eligible clients. Additionally, our customized care packages cater to specific needs, such as post-surgery recovery or specialized medical care, ensuring a tailored approach that fits every situation.